16th  Virtual Exhibition of Psychology of Art

“Art for Ethnic Minorities’ Rights” This 16th edition of the Virtual Exhibition of Psychology of Art shows examples of works of art that might promote psychological change in perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of defence and promotion of ethnic minorities’ Rights. The works were selected by students of a course in psychology of art (bachelor in psychology – Faculty of … Read more

high tide against China – a brief intervention

current developments in China and some geo-political aspects, reflected in reporting of Western mass media a personal intervention by Peter Herrmann Obviously, it is difficult to assess from outside the situation of anti-Corvid policies in China[1] as it is equally difficult to develop an unbiased approach to the current polity and policy developments abroad. With this … Read more

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

In honour of the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia, the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law (a centre of the University of Johannesburg) invites you to an online panel discussion titled ‘The Law and LGBTQ Rights in Africa.’  A fuller description of the focus of the panel … Read more

Human Rights – from where do they come?

Obviously, there are different historical highlights, the last had been the foundation of the United Nations and then the Universal Declaration. Still, there is a history linked and we can look back from there, and forward too. One question remains usually in the background, it is about morality on the one hand and on the … Read more

Perspectives on Human Rights from China

The Central South University Human Rights Center Held the Symposium to Study the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech on “Unswervingly Following China’s Human Rights Development Path to Better Promote the Development of China’s Human Rights Cause ” and the Work Summary and Outlook Meeting On the afternoon of April 13, 2022, Central South … Read more

what is human existence ?

at least humans are not anything like perfect beings – well expressed by Brecht in his song on the The Song of the inadequacy of human endeavour. Letlhokwa Mpedi, member of the HRUG, will open another dimension to it, giving a presentation titled Posthumously conceived children in South Africa: A social security perspective Contemporary reproductive … Read more

Human Rights — where would they be without labour law?

Labour Law in Ghana In Labour Law in Ghana LG Mpedi and TE Coleman analyse the current statutory and regulatory framework of labour and employment relations in Ghana. The book critically assesses the primary thematic areas and topics in labour law such as individual labour law, collective labour law, the basic conditions of employment, employment protection, … Read more

1948 – 2022 – A Historical Perspective

After the workshop 联合国人权理事会第49届会议中方边会China Side Event of the UN Human Rights Counci 49th Session当代人权:对普世性和全球性的反思Human Rights Today: Universal and Global?主办单位:中国人杈研究会Host by: China Society for Human Rights Studies中南大学法学院Organizers: Central South University Human Rights CenterCentral South University Law School February 27th, 2022 Changsha China the recording of the opening and the first keynote speech (Opening remarks by Junxiang … Read more

We need to talk about …

The Verfassungsblog/Blog on Constitutional Matters published end of last year a podcast series under the title ‘We need to talk about the Rule of Law’. It looks from different angles at core issues that are frequently forgotten when we talk about human rights, reaching from administrative issues of there court system, independence of judges, education of … Read more

flawed, funny … very sad though

I doubt if we can do justice especially after the reading the following tribute. No one can put it better than  this veteran journalist. On the death of DESMOND MPILO TUTU (7 OCTOBER 1931 – 26 DECEMBER 2021) (from the Daily Marverick) George Mpedi Lethokwa, HRUG-member