Topic: Community matters – law and pre-legal/informal settings.

Presenter: Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz

Professor and Principal Investigator, Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute and Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2023 Chinese Government Friendship Award.

He focuses on the ecological habits of large mammals in Asia, working with local communities in remote areas of Southeast Asia and leading internationally supported interdisciplinary research projects such as Asian elephant management ecology and biodiversity conservation capacity building. His research covers ecological function, human-animal conflict, seed dispersal and other fields, and he has published 65 SCI papers in international journals, published monographs, and chaired important international conferences. As the center’s first full-time overseas high-level talent, he is committed to advancing research on the ecology of large mammals in Asia and their conservation, and providing scientific basis for policy formulation.

With this background Ahimsa gained also major insight in human behaviour: the respect and disrespect of law, there regulative frameworks and their implementation in the area of environmental politics and policies … – this makes it possible to engage in a discussion that are relevant to understand (Human Rights) Law.

Time: May 6, 2024, 13:00 (CET), 19:00 (Beijing Time)

Link: https://voovmeeting.com/dm/H1QgTJcDdxCK

#voovmeeting number: 936-084-459

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