
It is again and again emphasised the freedom is one of the core values and right of human beings and central middle of societies and society to togetherness. The meaning of freedom, however, remains often unclear and what is more, conditions behind freedom not really investigated, at least in a deeper meaning – going beyond some obvious surface conditions is [it may sound ridiculous] not being tired to tree. What is here understood as conditions concerns in actual fact the understanding of human beings and humanness – not least the understanding of man. Part of it had been looked at earlier, when talking about the reasoning behind developing and applying AI; but there are more “down to earth issues” considering that values are not subjectively founded pipe dreams but reflections of economic power relations.

  • It is about the beauty and the beast, good and evil or in clear terms: value and truth are matters that can be have for money
  • even allowing a criminal to stand for elections
  • but will be even more important, standing in the background of the power game, it is a system that is allowing good doers as Elon Musk, engaging in the development of e-mobility to save the planet by reducing CO2-emission and creating jobs, by putting at the same time with this engagement water supply in the Land Brandenburg under severe threat, suggesting that water for motors is more important than water for the people
  • while the same (kind of) good doers – Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos – engage in plan B, looking for another planet where human life is possible instead of working seriously on plan A: saving our planet.
  • All these power games are not least part of a strategy of competition – between corporations, between countries and regions and between every kind of denouncing “the other”. It is the president of the European Academy of Science and Arts, who is again and again emphasising that even European scientific engagement must promote European competitiveness instead of engaging in sober and thorough global cooperation. While the form is different, the content equals the latest, though most unlikely the last, anti-Chinese engagement: The US-government imposing heavy taxes and fees on the import of certain products. Making things worse, certain products means not least products that are urgently needed to foster the energy transition.

Those fellows may preach that freedom is the freedom of those who think differently while they do not accept freedom as freedom of those who act differently.

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